Our food hamper program to the elderly, people living with disabilities, and single mothers is still ongoing.

Our food hamper program, which originated in 2020 when COVID-19 first arrived in Kenya, was meant to be a short-term program while borders were closed, the tourist industry came to an immediate halt, and businesses were shut down. Here we are, four years later, committed to assisting the elderly, people living with disabilities, and single mothers for as long as we possibly can afford to. Inflation has affected all of us globally; however, add to that the worst drought in forty years in Sub-Saharan Africa, forcing the basics of the African diet of beans, maize, and rice to double in price, forcing many single mothers with small children, the elderly, and people living with disabilities to often go to bed without having had a meal that day. For the students we sponsor with school fees, the lunch they receive can often be the only meal they receive all day.