Wow! I can’t believe I’ve been back in Kenya for a little over a month now. Time has certainly flown by, but when I look back on everything we have achieved in the past month, I’m delighted with our accomplishments. Tomorrow promises to be another busy day with a huge food hamper distribution to the elderly, disabled, and single mothers in our neighboring impoverished community. Last week, we had the privilege of visiting the Malaika (angel in Swahili) Initiative, a wonderful free daycare facility for disabled children founded and run by an amazing woman fondly known as Mama Grace Malaika (Angel). We distributed food hampers toRead More

I had the privilege of participating in my first food hamper distribution to the elderly, single mothers, and those living with disabilities within the slums in our neighborhood. We began this program when COVID first arrived in Kenya, and most businesses were closed. While some businesses are slowly recovering, many small businesses in our neighborhood were forced to close permanently. As always, the trickle-down affects the poorest, the women who do laundry and cleaning for the local small business owners. The elderly will continue to struggle with food insecurity as there is little government assistance. Many go without food for over a day. For asRead More

I can’t believe it’s been almost four years since my last trip to Kenya. After being here for three weeks, I feel as if it was just yesterday that I was last here. The first week was busy with staff meetings and updates. But all in all, they did a great job of running the project exactly how I would want things done if I had returned every three months, which was my usual schedule pre-COVID. We now have 27 students living with us. All are the sweetest girls, eager to learn and very grateful for the opportunity to learn a trade. Each has aRead More

We are still ongoing with our weekly food distribution program. While the fear of the Covid 19 pandemic may be behind us, the devastating effect on the economy certainly is not. Many small businesses have had to permanently close their doors. Added to this is the fact that many living in the slums rely on day work during planting and harvesting season for a small income. The ongoing drought of the past four years has removed that modest source of income. We’re all praying for a good harvest this year. Here is Antoinette’s unedited report of our most recent food hamper distribution. Jambo Everyone,The Springs ofRead More

  We are getting more and more requests from parents for assistance with school fees. Most poor rural families depend on seasonal farm work to support their families, pay school fees, rent, and provide food. Many of the vulnerable families we assist live in tiny two-room tin or mud houses with up to three generations under the same leaky roof. Imagine not receiving any income for months on end. Or in the current situation, years on end.  You are forced to choose between paying school fees and feeding your family. Unfortunately, it’s the daughters who are the first to be taken out of school. OftenRead More