It’s World Food Day

It’s World Food Day – a day to not only appreciate what we have on our plates but to stand beside the millions of people who don’t know where their next meal will come from.

With everything going on in the world right now, it’s often hard to remember the pain and hardship experienced by the most vulnerable. But our strong commitment to caring for our society is important to us and we will not abandon the neediest in our communities.Every week for the past 18 months our small team of volunteers has been delivering food hampers to the elderly, people living with disabilities, most of whom are bedridden, mothers of disabled children, and vulnerable persons. We choose a different community every week.Please help us to continue with this unexpected, initially unbudgeted program by donating here.

On this date, the SOHF team comprised of Martha, three girls from Kijiji Mission, and Wachira as the driver. The beneficiaries were organized by three social workers living with disabilities who are constantly engaged and offer psychosocial support to PLWDS in the area. The location was Nakuru West Primary School which was selected by the social workers due to its centrality and accessibility. During this food hampers distribution, the sixty beneficiaries targeted were eleven hearing impaired, forty were physically disabled and nine were caregivers of bedridden children.
Sadly, as there is much need in our wide wonderful, and sometimes cruel world, seeking funds becomes so much more difficult, I am sure we are not alone…to you who are on this journey with us, we are forever grateful as are each and every life you have touched.Asante Sana,Blessings,Jennifer Hughes-BystromFounder/CEO