By: Beryl Adhiambo.
Last week’s food hamper distribution exercise took place in Ngorika, the target beneficiaries were the aged and people living with disability. We met the 60 beneficiaries waiting for us in one of the public schools in the area. In all the food hamper distribution we are always accompanied by the village elders and when we are lucky enough the area chief. The beneficiaries were spread out meaning the sensitization meetings on COVID 19 organized by the health professionals and community health workers in the grassroot is bearing fruits.
The team (the village elders and staff / students from Kijiji Mission) started the meeting with a word of prayer followed by introductions. Martha then took over and shared with the beneficiaries about Kijiji Mission which include who we are, what we are doing and where the project is located. The process is key in that we often learn of vulnerable young women who we admit and can benefit from our training. It has been a good way to reach out to more people. After all the speeches the village elders use a list to call out the beneficiaries one by one to take their food hampers. These are normally the very vulnerable households. To ensure transparency the village elders normally has a meeting prior where they discuss and list down the very vulnerable households. We make sure the hampers are given to deserving cases.
The beneficiaries are called one by one and each takes their hampers followed by a picture which we share on our Facebook page for accountability to our donors. Some of the beneficiaries that benefitted on that day include and not limited to;
Sara Wairimu.

Sarah Wairimu is a single mother and has six children. Her husband passed on a few years back. She has been surviving by doing manual jobs to provide for her children. She was glad when we gave her the food hamper because she was sure her children will have food for the next two weeks.
Paul Kimani.

Paul is elderly. He was a security guard in one of the primary schools but he retired. It has been difficult for him to provide for his family because he can’t do heavy work. He roasts maize in the nearby center.
Hanna Wambui.

Hanna is a mother to two and grandmother to four. Her two daughters are married but have no stable job or income to assist their mother. She survives from handouts given to her by the community members. She was very happy when we gave her the food hamper.
Ann Njeri.

Ann is a young mother. She was impregnated by her boyfriend who later on refused to take any responsibility. She has other siblings and the baby has added another burden to her family. She has been doing manual work to support her baby and also provide for her family.

Margret is an elderly woman. She is blind. She said she lost her eyesight when she was 40 years old. She tried seeking medical attention but recovering her eyesight has been impossible. She is now forced to depend on her family for support and also food. She says when she had her eyesight, she used to do casual work and provide for her family, but now with the current situation she is forced to depend on her loved ones for support. She was glad and very thankful when we gave her the food hamper .