Graduation Day. A day of celebrating a year of hard work and exciting new beginnings ahead. As we heralded in 2020 almost 12 months ago with great expectations for an amazing year of growth at our school and celebration of the continued success of our graduating students, who could have imagined that instead, the new year would become the year they will be talking about 100 years from now. As we come close to the end of 2020, please allow me to take you on a one-year journey of our achievements, and where we survived and served because of your support and amazing commitment toRead More

Well, here we are, I’m still in Australia…indefinitely!!! What amazing times we are living in. I’m able to run our project remotely, talk to the staff every day (for free), and feel relaxed and confident that everything is being run extremely efficiently by two amazing, dedicated ladies in my exile. We were indeed “in the best of times”, until March 19th when the dreaded COVID 19 arrived in East Africa.All Kenyan schools were closed immediately. We were holding out hope that universities and vocational TRAINING schools such as ours would be permitted to open again at the beginning of September. Last month the government announcedRead More

Today is graduation day for some of the young women that the area chief and health department gave permission to live with us while the much-dreaded COVID-19 slowly spread its deadly path across East Africa.Normally this is a HUGE celebration. Proud family members will often hire a minibus for the day, piling three generations into the overcrowded 14 passenger vehicle. The girls excitedly rehearse for weeks preparing dances and songs for performances, always including a fashion show of their creations. Our area officials attend, many speeches are made and the well-earned certificates awarded… Always by me personally, congratulating each girl for their hard work and determination to become someone theirRead More

By: Beryl Adhiambo. Kenya experienced post-election tribal clashes after the 2007 disputed elections that left many families homeless, losing their properties and means of a livelihood. Many also lost land since they could not remain in the hostile regions they had lived in all their lives. Those families that had ancestral home elsewhere relocated back and those with some savings bought small plots mostly measuring 50ft by 100ft and settled there, but with no arable land it meant that many became destitute all of a sudden. However the majority of the displaced families had nowhere to go and solely depended on the government effort toRead More

By: Beryl Adhiambo. Last week’s food hamper distribution exercise took place in Ngorika, the target beneficiaries were the aged and people living with disability. We met the 60 beneficiaries waiting for us in one of the public schools in the area.  In all the food hamper distribution we are always accompanied by the village elders and when we are lucky enough the area chief. The beneficiaries were spread out meaning the sensitization meetings on COVID 19 organized by the health professionals and community health workers in the grassroot is bearing fruits. The team (the village elders and staff / students from Kijiji Mission) started theRead More

Kenya has continued to experience enhanced rainfall resulting in flooding, thus negatively impacting the lives and livelihoods of vulnerable populations. The floods have affected a lot of areas in the country. In Nakuru County, families living in Kiamunyi, Olive Inn, and Kaptembwa communities, among others have been displaced following floods caused by a heavy downpour since the third week of April. The flooding in these communities has been blamed on poor drainage and sanitation with most drainage systems being clogged. Communities close to Lake Nakuru have been forced to relocate after overflow from the lake sparking fears of a humanitarian crisis. My friend and fellowRead More