As we continue with our emergency food and face mask program I can’t express how very grateful we are for your generous support. We have been privileged to make and distribute thousands of face masks throughout our community. Each week we have been able to assist families in need of food assistance.  Unfortunately, until we are able to raise more money, we can only afford to assist around 60 families per week with food hampers. Our main focus in this period of COVID 19 is to donate food and face masks to vulnerable and needy people in the county. Most of the residents in Mang’uRead More

Last week 60 families from Nyamurutu slums benefited from our food and face mask donation.  Our target was the elderly, ailing, persons with disability, and very vulnerable families.   The foodstuff was distributed in the presence of the village elder who also helped us in mapping out the most needy cases. We distributed the foodstuff at Squatter Hill Academy, to avoid crowding, social distance, and people fighting for the food. Our students and staff have been working tirelessly making face masks and preparing food packages for the areas most vulnerable. Next week, our students will continue to create our biggest production line yet – Thank you for supporting us with fundsRead More

Hello Everyone, Currently, I am home on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland,  in home-isolation with my husband Bill, which I am sure is the same for so many, and no doubt, it is beginning to take its toll. However,  we must remain thankful for what we do have. We have food, water, and the knowledge that there is help when we ask for it, neighbors, friends, and should it be necessary, medical support from those who do a most incredible job.My extended families are the many young women we have been blessed to lift out of poverty, early marriage, early childbirth, and life ahead raising their children in unimaginable, overcrowded slumsRead More

I hope and trust that this finds you each healthy and well in these unprecedented times. We stand alongside you in supporting our fearless frontline workers and first responders globally. They give us hope and inspire us daily with their courage. As trusted allies and supporters of our work at Springs of Hope Foundation I wanted to share how we are pivoting our efforts to protect our education programs, and most importantly, the women, girls, and families we serve in our community in Nakuru, Kenya during these rapidly changing times. As you know, many African countries are currently being devastated by the exponential rise ofRead More